New Patient Information

Naturopathic and Environmental Medicine with Dr. Katherine Carvlin


Offering Naturopathic Primary Care and
Support for Complex Illnesses.

• Brain Fog
• Chronic Fatigue
• Anxiety
• Headaches
• Allergies & Asthma

• Chemical Sensitivity
• Chronic Sinus Infections
• Mold Illness
• Chronic Infections/EBV
• Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

• Autoimmune Disease
• Digestive Problems
• Fertility Concerns
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Thyroid Imbalance

Dr. Katherine Carvlin is available for appointments online (telemedicine) or in-person at the Institute of Complementary Medicine in Seattle, Washington. Medical licensing regulations require all patients to be in the state of Washington at the time of service.

Naturopathic & Environmental Medicine Services


Functional Lab Testing

Specialty lab testing helps to identify the root cause of your symptoms. Test options include screenings for common environmental pollutants, such as mold, toxic metals, solvents, and pesticides.


Herbs & Supplements

Herbal remedies as well as vitamin and nutrient supplements provide targeted support for detoxification and optimal function of all your body organs and systems.

Customized Nutrition

Not everyone has the same needs when it comes to diet and nutrition. Based on your unique biochemistry and lab tests, you’ll receive customized recommendations for food and nutrition.


Visceral Manipulation

As an adjunctive therapy for SIBO, bloating, and other digestive concerns, this hands-on organ massage helps to improve the function and mobility of internal organs.

Prescription Medications

While naturopathic medicine aims to use the most natural therapies to achieve the best results, some situations require medications. Dr. Carvlin is licensed to prescribe when needed.


IV Nutrient Therapies

Nutritional IVs are an effective way to achieve high levels of antioxidant and cellular repair nutrients in the body to support optimal healing and health.


The 5-Step Process to Regain Your Health


Identify Sources

One of the most important forms you’ll complete before your initial visit is the Environmental Health Questionnaire. Dr. Carvlin will then evaluate this and your health timeline to identify possible sources of toxic exposures in your present or past. 

Detect Toxins

Tests will be ordered to identify specific environmental toxicants in your body. These might include mycotoxins, toxic metals, pesticides, plastics, solvents, persistent organic pollutants, or others.

Avoid Exposure

You will never be able to heal if you continue to be exposed to the toxins that are harming your health! You’ll learn where toxins may be hiding in your water, food, air, and home and exactly how to minimize your exposure.

Treat the Cause

Specific treatments will be recommended to safely eliminate stored toxins from your body and relieve your symptoms. Naturopathic treatments may include nutrition, botanicals, supplements, IV therapy, sauna, or other detoxification support.

Rebuild Resilience

The ultimate goal of naturopathic and environmental medicine is to restore and optimize health. Dr. Carvlin will work closely with you to monitor your progress and adjust your treatments over time—to keep you continually moving toward more vibrant health and wellness.

About the Institute of Complementary Medicine

Dr. Carvlin practices at the Institute of Complementary Medicine, a Concierge Medical Practice. This model of care gives you more direct access to your doctor, priority scheduling, and other benefits. Details of the membership can be viewed here. You do not need to choose a membership option until after your initial appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Naturopathic medicine is a healthcare profession focused on prevention and healing through the most natural means possible. The principles of naturopathic medicine include a belief in the healing power of nature, the importance of treating the root cause of illness, and a holistic acceptance of the complex interactions within the whole body and mind. Naturopathic physicians are clinically trained in 4-year post-graduate accredited naturopathic medical schools and licensed in the state of Washington as primary care providers.

  • Environmental Medicine is an approach to healthcare that addresses the role of environmental exposures and toxins in disease. Substances in our air, water, food, and homes can accumulate in our bodies and have different effects on different people, depending on genetic and biochemical individuality. Environmental exposures are the most overlooked factor in chronic illnesses, and Environmental Medicine fills this unmet need.

  • Dr. Carvlin practices Naturopathic Primary Care and Environmental Medicine at the Institute of Complementary Medicine in Seattle, Washington. She can see patients in person or through telemedicine appointments. Medical licensing regulations require all patients to be in the state of Washington at the time of service.

  • Yes. Dr. Carvlin is a licensed naturopathic physician in the state of Washington. Although the scope of practice for naturopathic doctors varies by state, they are licensed as primary care providers in the state of Washington.

  • Yes. Many Washington state health insurance companies cover naturopathic medicine. The Institute of Complementary Medicine is happy to bill your insurance for covered services. Uncovered expenses, such as dietary supplement purchases or specialty lab services, often qualify for payment with Health Savings Accounts or Medical Flex Spending Accounts. Please contact your insurance company to understand your coverage. Also, feel free to call the Institute of Complementary Medicine at 206-726-0034 with any payment questions.

  • Dr. Carvlin practices at the Institute of Complementary Medicine, which is a concierge membership practice. This model allows for a more holistic approach to healthcare that is focused on the patient experience and results rather than the wishes of insurance companies. The membership includes insurance billing for covered services while including many non-covered services in the membership fee. Membership benefits include more direct access to your doctor, priority scheduling, and some complementary and bonus services. You can meet with Dr. Carvlin for your initial appointment before deciding whether to commit to a membership plan. You can view the plans here. (link to the PDF of plans)

  • For centuries, the ginkgo tree has been considered a symbol of hope and peace. It is also the oldest surviving species of tree, having withstood even atomic bombs. This tree is a reminder that our individual actions today impact our shared future tomorrow.

  • Do you feel like you’ve tried everything but still feel sick? Everyday toxins could be a root cause! In this self-paced, online course you will learn how to identify and avoid chemicals in your food, air, water, and home. This course will provide you with easy solutions you can implement right away to minimize the impact of everyday toxic exposures on your body. Learn more and sign up today!

Everyday chemical exposures are the most overlooked factor in complex chronic illnesses. Recover and sustain your health—with naturopathic medicine through an environmental lens.